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to help give carers a break

Carers of disabled family members do an incredible job, but providing round the clock care to loved ones without any time out is exhausting.

One in five carers can't remember the last time they had a break. 

Families are facing a constant battle to secure the support they need.

0 people have added their name so far. Will you add yours to demand that carers get the break they need?

Find out what we're asking for

Over 65% of carers say they are burnt out and exhausted. 

The lack of long term funding, poor support and a gap in specialist services is leading families of disabled people to burn out.

We’re calling for: 

  • Government to provide long term funding for specialist respite services 
  • Improved information and support from Local Authorities for families accessing respite 
  • Greater public awareness of the vital role family carers play and the importance of respite